Wednesday 14 January 2009

14th Jan

Despite being a nice day, the 12th Jan was a non starter run wise, my partner and I cleaned our flat and by the time I'd got home from work, and helped, had tea etc, it was too late. I was disappointed with myself for not going, though I did do some weights, sit ups and press ups.

Yesterday, the 13th Jan, I ran (despite it bring frosty), lifted my weights, did sit ups and press ups. Was pleased with myself for pulling my finger out my arse and doing it last night, it has given me the motivation to continue.

Keep posted for tomorrows update

Monday 12 January 2009

12th Jan 2009

I've made this blog because I wanted to document my current fitness process, at the moment I am running every evening for about 10 - 15 mins and then lifting weights, doing press ups and sit ups.

I thought I wouldd write in here hwat I have done and how it felt. So here goes.

Sat 10th Jan - A bit of a wet, cold night, I went out and did the Alexander St route, with my IPod in. I enjoyed the run and came back to the house feeling clearer headed than I had left, though I did adapt the route slightly to avoid running past a group of children congregated on the path I planned to use. The weights and sit ups went in no bother at all.

Sun 11th Jan - Another wet, windy evening, this time I did the Victoria Road route, again returining to the house feeling more clear headed and glad I went, though tonight it took me a bit of effort to convince myself to go, as soon as I did I was glad I had.